ROSSELLA BISCOTTI (IT 1978) tem exposto regularmente a nível internacional desde príncipios de 2000. Entre outras destacam-se as exposições individuais 'Le teste in oggetto', curadoria de M. Sossai, Nomas Foundation, Roma, 2009; 'The Undercover Man', Wilfried Lentz, Roterdão, 2008; 'New Crossroads', Galleria Studio la Citta, Verona (c/ Kevin van Braak), 2008; 'Everything is somehow related to everything else, yet the whole is terrifyingly unstable', Piccolo Museion, Bolzano, 2008; 'Premio NY, Italian Academy at Columbia Univesity', Nova Iorque, 2007; 'Cities of Continuous lines', Netherlands Foundation for Visual Art, Design and Architecture, Amsterdão (c/ Kevin van Braak), 2007; e variadas exposições colectivas. Foi recentemente nomeada para os prémios 'Prix de Rome', Holanda, e 'Emerging Talents', Strozzina Foundation.
HUGO CANOILAS (PT 1977) tem vindo a expor regularmente em Portugal e no estrangeiro desde princípios de 2000. Entre outras destacam-se as exposições individuais 'Endless Killing', curadoria de Chus Martinez, Huarte Contemporary Art Center, 2008; 'Labyrinth', Galeria Nosbaum & Reding, Luxemburgo, 2008; 'Vota Otavio Pato', comissariada por Tobi Maier, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 2007; 'Propaganda', Workplace Gallery, Gateshead/ Newcastle, 2007; 'Pinturas inglesas e outros trabalhos', Galeria de pintura do Rei D. Luís, Palácio da Ajuda , Lisboa, 2006; e as recentes colectivas 'Transformation show', comissariado por Mark Kremer, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Holanda; 'II Bienal das Ilhas Canárias', comissariado por Octavio Zaya, Ilhas Canárias; 'Allgarve', comissariada por Nuno Faria, Antiga Fábrica da Cerveja, Faro; todas de 2008.
ASIER MENDIZABAL (ES 1973) tem vindo a expor regularmente em Espanha e no estrangeiro desde princípios de 2000. Entre outras destacam-se as exposições individuais Asier Mendizabal, Museu d´Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2008; M-L, Galeria Carreras Mújica, Bilbao, 2008; Not all that moves (is red), Artis, Den Bosch, Holanda; e as colectivas Gure Artea, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, 2008; MANUAL CC. Instructions for beginners and advanced players, CSW Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej, Varsóvia, 2008; Chacun à son gout, Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao, 2007 Incognitas, Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao, 2007; Pilot:1, Pilot, Londres, 2006; Bienal Manifesta 5, San Sebastian, 2005.
MARIANA SILVA (PT 1983) participou em diversas exposições colectivas, desde 2004, tais como ‘Eurásia’, Casa Museu Anastácio Gonçalves, Lisboa; ‘Antes que a produção cesse’, Espaço Avenida, Lisboa, 2007;‘Art Meeting 2006’ e ‘Rundgang’, Unverisität der Künste, Berlim, 2006 e 2007 respectivamente. Foi co-editora, com Raquel Feliciano e Rita Roberto, sob coordenação da socióloga Vanda Gorjão, do segundo número da revista ‘Marte’ – publicação de teoria de arte dedicado ao tema ‘Legitimação em Arte’, 2006. Colaborou como assistente em diversos projectos do E-Flux – site de divulgação de notícias de arte contemporânea entre Março 2007 e Agosto de 2008. Em 2008, lança o livro de artista ‘O Desenho de Fuga/The Escape Route´s Design’, em co-autoria com Pedro Neves Marques, Sparwasser H. q., Berlim. Mariana Silva foi um dos vencedores do prémio BES Revelação, Museu de Serralves, 2008.
HERBERT BAYER (AT 1900 – US 1985) foi um designer gráfico, pintor, fotografo e arquitecto Austriaco. Bayer foi aluno do artista Georg Schmidthammer em Linz. Depois de deixar o atelier para estudar na colónia de artistas de Darmstadt, interessou-se pelo manifesto da Bauhaus de Walter Gropius. Após Bayer ter estudado quatro anos na Bauhaus com professores com Wassily Kandinsky e László Moholy-Nagy, Gropius nomeou-o director do departamento de impressão e publicidade da escola.
ROSSELLA BISCOTTI (IT 1978) has exhibited internationally since the early 00's Solo shows: 'Le teste in oggetto', curated by M. Sossai, Nomas Foundation, Rome, 2009; 'The Undercover Man', Wilfried Lentz, Rotterdam, 2008; 'New Crossroads', Galleria Studio la Citta, Verona (with Kevin van Braak), 2008; 'Everything is somehow related to everything else, yet the whole is terrifyingly unstable', Piccolo Museion, Bolzano, 2008; 'Premio NY', Italian Academy at Columbia Univesity, NY, 2007; 'Cities of Continuous lines', Netherlands Foundation for Visual Art, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam (with Kevin van Braak), 2007; among other. Was recently nominated for the 'Prix de Rome', The Netherlands, and 'Emerging Talents', Strozzina Foundation.
HUGO CANOILAS (PT 1977) has exhibited regularly in Portugal and abroad since the early 00's. Solo shows: 'Endless Killing', curated by Chus Martinez, Huarte Contemporary Art Center, 2008; 'Labyrinth', Galeria Nosbaum & Reding, Luxemburg, 2008; 'Vota Otavio Pato', commissioned by Tobi Maier, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 2007; 'Propaganda', Workplace Gallery, Gateshead/ Newcastle, 2007; 'Pinturas inglesas e outros trabalhos', Galeria de pintura do Rei D. Luís, Palácio da Ajuda, Lisboa, 2006; Among others, recent colective shows include: 'Transformation show', comissioned por Mark Kremer, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Holanda; 'II Bienal das Ilhas Canárias', commissioned by Octavio Zaya, Canary Islands; 'Allgarve', commissioned by Nuno Faria, Antiga Fábrica da Cerveja, Faro; all in 2008.
ASIER MENDIZABAL (ES 1973) has exhibited regularly in Spain and abroad since the early 00's. Solo shows: 'Asier Mendizabal', Museu d´Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2008; 'M-L', Galeria Carreras Mújica, Bilbao, 2008; 'Not all that moves (is red)', Artis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands; among others. Solo shows: 'Gure Artea', Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, 2008; 'MANUAL CC. Instructions for beginners and advanced players', CSW Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej, Warsaw, 2008; 'Chacun à son gou't, Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao, 2007 'Incognitas', Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao, 2007; 'Pilot:1', Pilot, London, 2006; 'Biennal Manifesta 5', San Sebastian, 2005; among others.
MARIANA SILVA (PT 1983) has participated in several group exhibitions since 2004, such as ‘Eurásia’, Casa Museu Anastácio Gonçalves, Lisbon, 2007; ‘Antes que a produção cesse/ Before production ceases’ Espaço Avenida, Lisbon, 2007; ‘Art Meeting 2006’ and ‘Rundgang’, Unverisität der Künste, Berlin, 2006 and 2007 respectively). Under the coordination of Vanda Gorjão, Mariana Silva co-edited, with Raquel Feliciano and Rita Roberto, the second issue of ‘MArte’, an art theory magazine, dedicated to ‘Legitimization in Art’, in 2006. She has collaborated as a project assistant in several activities of the contemporary art new website e-Flux, between March 2007 and August 2008. In 2008 she co-authored the artist's book ‘The Escape Route’s Design’ with Pedro Neves Marques, launched at Sparwasser H.q., Berlin. Mariana Silva is one of the winners of BES Revelação prize, Serralves Museum, 2008.
ROSSELLA BISCOTTI (IT 1978) has exhibited internationally since the early 00's Solo shows: 'Le teste in oggetto', curated by M. Sossai, Nomas Foundation, Rome, 2009; 'The Undercover Man', Wilfried Lentz, Rotterdam, 2008; 'New Crossroads', Galleria Studio la Citta, Verona (with Kevin van Braak), 2008; 'Everything is somehow related to everything else, yet the whole is terrifyingly unstable', Piccolo Museion, Bolzano, 2008; 'Premio NY', Italian Academy at Columbia Univesity, NY, 2007; 'Cities of Continuous lines', Netherlands Foundation for Visual Art, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam (with Kevin van Braak), 2007; among other. Was recently nominated for the 'Prix de Rome', The Netherlands, and 'Emerging Talents', Strozzina Foundation.
HUGO CANOILAS (PT 1977) has exhibited regularly in Portugal and abroad since the early 00's. Solo shows: 'Endless Killing', curated by Chus Martinez, Huarte Contemporary Art Center, 2008; 'Labyrinth', Galeria Nosbaum & Reding, Luxemburg, 2008; 'Vota Otavio Pato', commissioned by Tobi Maier, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 2007; 'Propaganda', Workplace Gallery, Gateshead/ Newcastle, 2007; 'Pinturas inglesas e outros trabalhos', Galeria de pintura do Rei D. Luís, Palácio da Ajuda, Lisboa, 2006; Among others, recent colective shows include: 'Transformation show', comissioned por Mark Kremer, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Holanda; 'II Bienal das Ilhas Canárias', commissioned by Octavio Zaya, Canary Islands; 'Allgarve', commissioned by Nuno Faria, Antiga Fábrica da Cerveja, Faro; all in 2008.
ASIER MENDIZABAL (ES 1973) has exhibited regularly in Spain and abroad since the early 00's. Solo shows: 'Asier Mendizabal', Museu d´Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2008; 'M-L', Galeria Carreras Mújica, Bilbao, 2008; 'Not all that moves (is red)', Artis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands; among others. Solo shows: 'Gure Artea', Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, 2008; 'MANUAL CC. Instructions for beginners and advanced players', CSW Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej, Warsaw, 2008; 'Chacun à son gou't, Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao, 2007 'Incognitas', Museo Guggenheim de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Bilbao, 2007; 'Pilot:1', Pilot, London, 2006; 'Biennal Manifesta 5', San Sebastian, 2005; among others.
MARIANA SILVA (PT 1983) has participated in several group exhibitions since 2004, such as ‘Eurásia’, Casa Museu Anastácio Gonçalves, Lisbon, 2007; ‘Antes que a produção cesse/ Before production ceases’ Espaço Avenida, Lisbon, 2007; ‘Art Meeting 2006’ and ‘Rundgang’, Unverisität der Künste, Berlin, 2006 and 2007 respectively). Under the coordination of Vanda Gorjão, Mariana Silva co-edited, with Raquel Feliciano and Rita Roberto, the second issue of ‘MArte’, an art theory magazine, dedicated to ‘Legitimization in Art’, in 2006. She has collaborated as a project assistant in several activities of the contemporary art new website e-Flux, between March 2007 and August 2008. In 2008 she co-authored the artist's book ‘The Escape Route’s Design’ with Pedro Neves Marques, launched at Sparwasser H.q., Berlin. Mariana Silva is one of the winners of BES Revelação prize, Serralves Museum, 2008.
HERBERT BAYER (AT 1900 – US 1985) was an Austrian graphic designer, painter, photographer, and architect. Bayer apprenticed under the artist Georg Schmidthammer in Linz. Leaving the workshop to study at the Darmstadt Artists' Colony, he became interested in Walter Gropius's Bauhaus manifesto. After Bayer had studied for four years at the Bauhaus under such teachers as Wassily Kandinsky and László Moholy-Nagy, Gropius appointed Bayer director of printing and advertising.